Installing Deb Files On Fedora
The first thing you need to do is extract the files from inside the tar archive to a folder. Let's copy the files to your desktop.
Olympus dss 330 driver for mac pro. Dec 18, 2015 sudo dpkg -i package.deb; sudo apt-get install -f Why sudo apt-get install -f? When you install packages through APT, dependencies get resolved automatically and installed with package. As you are installing package manually, sudo apt-get install -f command will install dependencies if any. Installing Software on Linux¶. One of the most difficult things to get used to in the Linux world is installing new software packages. In the world of Windows, every program comes with a Setup.exe program that asks you some very easy questions and takes care of the job for you. While Linux software can be almost that easy to install, you will sometimes find software that seems to fight every.
You can extract an archive by right-clicking the archive file's icon inside your file browser and pressing the appropriate entry in the context menu.Extracting the archive should create a new folder with a similar name. Program-1.2.3.Now you need to open your terminal and navigate to that directory using the following command: cd /home/yourusername/Desktop/program-1.2.3Make sure you read a file called INSTALL, INSTALL.txt, README, or something similar if one was extracted. You can check if such a file exists from the terminal by using the ls command.
The file can be opened and read with the command: xdg-open INSTALLWhere INSTALL is the name of your file.This file will contain the right steps to follow to continue the installation process. Usually, the three 'classical' steps are:./configuremakesudo make installYou may also need to install some dependencies if, for example, running configure prompted you with an error listing which dependencies you are missing.You can also use.Remember that your mileage may vary. You cannot 'install' a.tar.gz file or.tar.bz2 file.tar.gz files are gzip-compressed tarballs, compressed archives files.bz2 files are compressed with bzip2.
You can extract.tar.gz files using: tar xzf file.tar.gzSimilarly you can extract.tar.bz2 files with tar xjf file.tar.bz2If you would like to see the files being extracted during unpacking, add v: tar xzvf file.tar.gzEven if you have no Internet connection, you can still use Ubuntu's package management system, just download the.deb files from. Do not forget to download dependencies too.For an easier way to install packages offline, see the question. How you compile a program from a source. Open a console. Use the command cd to navigate to the correct folder. @Alvar:./configure && make && sudo make install assumes that the package uses an autoconf style of configuring and compiling programs.
You should search for the files INSTALL, README or similar. Also, make install won't work if the prefix is set to a privileged location (which is the default). Therefore, use sudo make install or install it into a directory in the home directory using./configure -prefix=/yourprogram. Then put /yourprogram/bin in your $PATH or make symlinks to it in /bin/.–Nov 19 '11 at 10:14.
If you want to avoid using the command line, installing a deb package via Ubuntu’s Software Center would be the easiest route.The following instructions outline the steps you need to take:1. Samsung scx-3200 factory reset. Once you have finished downloading a deb package, click on the Files icon on your desktop and navigate to the Downloads folder.
By default, this is where the system stores downloaded files.2. Locate the file you want to install and double-click on it. A new dialogue box opens with details about the software.
Click on the Install button to proceed.3. As authentication is required to install untrusted software, you need to provide the password for your user and click on Authenticate to confirm.That’s it! You have successfully installed a deb package on Ubuntu. GDebi is a simple tool for installing local deb packages. Apart from installing the specified file, it also identifies all the required dependencies and automatically downloads and installs them using apt.You can use GDebi via the command-line or the. First, download the tool as it as it is not available on Ubuntu by default: sudo apt install gdebi -yNow you can use GDebi for installing deb packages.To install a deb package in the command line, run the following: sudo gdebi packagepathConfirm with y and press Enter.For instance: sudo gdebi./Downloads/vagrant2.2.2x8664.debGUI modeIf you want to use GUI GDebi, follow these steps:1.
Open the file manager, and locate the package. In most cases, you can find it in Downloads.2. Right-click on the deb file and choose Open With Other Application.3. Doing so opens a new dialogue box with a list of Recommended Applications. Mark the GDebi Package Installer and click on Select.4.
The installer loads the deb package and shows the software description (if available) and whether all the dependencies are satisfied. Click on Install Package, type in the password, and click Authenticate to start the installation.