The Amazing Race Powerpoint Template

This student-driven game includes 50 pages of racing material that will take your students on a fun-filled, virtual tour of 6 continents!The Amazing Race: Classroom Edition is a game in which multiple teams of two or three students compete in a race with one another. Teams strive to arrive first at 'pit stops,' located at the end of each leg, to avoid coming in last. The clues provided during each leg lead the teams to the next destination or direct them to perform a task. These tasks are performed together or by a single team member. This game has been designed to challenge your students’ ability to collaborate with others, think critically, and solve problems effectively.As a BONUS, customizable clue card templates have been included so that you can create additional clues of your own to extend the game or play another round at a later time!
Creation PowerPoint Presentations. The following files are creation science and Biblical apologetics seminars created in Microsoft PowerPoint that can be downloaded and used freely for teaching purposes. A compressed ZIP file is also available for many, which includes the embedded videos and other ancillary files.
Enjoy watching your students grow through this fun-filled learning experience.Included:- Detailed, Easy-to-Read Directions- Printable Clue Cards- Interactive, Challenging Legs- Complete Answer Keys- Activity Worksheets- Ready-Made Maps- Scoring Chart- Award Certificates- BONUS: Clue Card Templates.