Sims 4 Blind Mod

Sims 4 Blind Mod

Sims 4 Blind Mod Average ratng: 3,7/5 6232 votes

Adds Figure Skating career to Sims 4. It is a basic 10 level single track career. Primary skills are Charisma and Fitness. Energy is the ideal mood. Top pay for level 10 is $360hr or $2520 a day. Work schedule is 3:00pm to 10:00pm days off are Sunday and Monday for all levels.

One thing I — and a lot of other simmers — feel is lacking in the game is the level of romance or fun in relationships. After playing for awhile, things start to get real repetitive and real boring. I mean, they can only flirt, embrace, kiss, woohoo so many times before I’m ready to move on. If you’re finding yourself stuck in the state of my-sims-need-spice-in-their-lives too, read on for some awesome mod suggestions.Beginners: If you’re new to installing custom content, check out this.Before downloading any mods, be sure to read the full download post and follow all directions specified by the creator.

Mods tend to “break” after patches so always check the creator’s website for updates. Wicked Whims Attractiveness System (18+) by turbodriverThis is hands down one of the most exciting mods out there, imo. The attractiveness feature gives each sim their own very detailed preferences ranging from: physical details like hair and eye color, body type, even thigh and butt size — if that’s your kind of thing — and non-physical details like personality type. With this mod, sims are able to find the sim of their dreams all on their own and it’s fantastic.

If you’re interested in this feature of the mod but not all the other stuff, check out my article, to learn how to customize the settings and turn off most of the sexual parts of the mod. This mod is for players 18+ only. SimDa Dating App by littlemssamEver wish your sims could expand their dating pool a little?

See who else is out there besides the few sims that show up at the bar every night or that one sim that seems to work at every food stall in every world every single day? Well, this mod’s got you covered. From blind dates to one-night-stands, your sim will have more options than they know what to do with. There’s even an add-on for Wicked Whims for those of you who want some really really fun hook ups. Improved Relationships – Cheating & Consequences by zero’s sims 4 modsOkay so, this one doesn’t necessarily improve romances — it does the exact opposite actually — because instead of letting sims get away with flirting and messing around with other sims, it provides real consequences for those who decide to stray from their relationship. Sims who are caught cheating can apologize, explain the situation, blame the other sim and even blame their partner. Sims who were cheated on can confront their partner, confront the other sim, forgive their partner or instead fight them.

Could you imagine? Slice of Life Mod by kawaiistacieThis mod does a lot of different things that adds interesting and unexpected events to the game. For the purpose of this article though, I’m just going to point out the Memory System which allows sims to finally have memories — real memories — that have a huge impact on their mood. Things like: marriage, divorce, first kiss, first woohoo, being cheated on and break ups will actually affect their day-to-day lives. There’s also a Drunk system that allows sims to make questionable woohoo choices such as: drunk woohoo and risky woohoo.

MC Command Center by deaderpoolMC Command Center comes up every time I recommend mods because it really does that much. In the case of romance and relationships, it controls all story progression with NPC relationships. Because of this mod, they can get married, have kids, cheat, have kids outside of their relationship, break up and move out without any involvement from you. It also allows you to turn off the random flirting that happens naturally in the game if you find that kind of thing annoying. I’m India, long time simmer (since Sims 1) who just so happens to be a wife and a mom who pretty much runs off of sweet tea.

This place is like my home away from home where I share all the things I love about the Sims 4. So far we have sim stories, mod suggestions and tutorials, but I have so much more that I can’t wait to get posted here. Download rar file extractor for mac free download. If only there were more hours in a day! Subscribe for emails!Wanna make sure you don't miss out on any new posts? Subscribe to my email list to have all new content delivered right to your inbox!Subscribe What I’m Writing. May 8, 2020. May 6, 2020.

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