Mass Effect Miranda Mod

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Submissions regarding FAQ questions will be removed. Also check out our.What does 'OT' stand for?In our sub, 'OT' stands for 'Original Trilogy,' and refers to Mass Effect 1-3, excluding Andromeda.Is the ME3/MEA multiplayer still active?Yes.
And space feels vast and empty for great stretches at a time, making the game’s true setting not any specific Star Wars locale, but rather the cockpit of your trusty TIE fighter. Flying, above all else, feels smooth and intuitive, and it’s that first-person flight-sim foundation that holds the whole experience together.As you progress through TIE Fighter’s story — rooting out rebel scum and quelling an internal plot to betray and overthrow the Emperor — you’ll unlock more and more of the Empire’s fantastic starfighters to fly into battle, from the to the experimental TIE/D defender.Don’t wait for years to enlist in the Imperial Navy, like I did. Star wars tie fighter mods. You’ll want to lead targets naturalistically, anticipating enemy movements and even weapon behavior. One of the most important things to keep in mind is the starfighter’s limited energy reserves, which can be diverted at will to reinforce certain areas of your shielding, add damage output to your weapons systems, or power up your ion engines for a boost of speed.Every engagement has a strategic element to it; this isn’t just an arcade shooter set in outer space.
Please visit.Which DLC should I get?Check out by.Is Mass Effect: Andromeda really that bad / worth it?Andromeda went on sale pretty soon after release and currently goes down to about $5-10 USD. Are some threads discussing this topic, but most users will say that the game is worth getting at the discounted price.Do I need to play the OT before playing Andromeda?Technically, no. However, it is generally highly recommended you do so, as playing the OT will greatly enhance your understanding of MEA.What mods are available/recommended for Andromeda?Tagging SpoilersSpoilers can be posted in the comments using the following formatting: SPOILER(#s 'Femshep is best Shep.' )which will show up in your post like this:For game-specific versions: ME1 SPOILER(#s 'Femshep is best Shep.' )ME2 SPOILER(#s 'Femshep is best Shep.' )ME3 SPOILER(#s 'Femshep is best Shep.' )MEA SPOILER(#s 'Sara and Scott are twins.'
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Totally worth it. I didn't make the mod. Refer to ME3Deager, Kinkojiro and other well-known and skilled ME3 modders.There's a lot of the new content that restores several lost lines of dialogue from Shepard and Miranda that was previously unused in the game files, but a few dialogues re-use earlier lines like 'Nobody's perfect' to make the full conversation coherent. There is one when she's on the Normandy right as you recruit her that is entirely well put together though and I think that was all unique stuff that I hadn't heard before. It's quite endearing.
Content posted in this community may not be appropriate for all ages, or may not be appropriate for viewing at work. Don't warn me again for.
What it is: This is an expansion mod to EGM (Expanded Galaxy Mod) and you need the latest version of that (1.082) to make this work as intended. The mod introduces new interactive content with Miranda Lawson in ME3, primarily after Horizon when her story is over.What it does:.You can now bring her aboard the Normandy as per her email request and she will show up in the conference room where she's working on logs.
Here you'll be able to have a new previously unseen conversation with her that also changes if you romance her. In the same room you can access new assignments and extra content for EGM.You can bring her with you to Cerberus HQ and she will have new dialogue in response to the various video-logs you find, just as the rest of the vanilla ME3 crew.As a bonus in the mod you can add in a feature in the installer to change the camera angles in earlier scenes in the game so there's no more fixated butt-shots.I've tested it and it works great.
There's a few glitches though as it is just a beta. Her lips didn't move in two lines of dialogue and bringing her to Cerberus HQ currently means the human reaper scene is cut pretty short since you don't hear Shepard's reaction but only EDI's.

I have been asked by a few people how they go about downloading this and about problems with it not showing up; issues with expansion pack error messages and so on. I have left replies in the comments section on my download but also felt the need to add it here as I keep being asked about this. Firstly I’d like to make it clear that this download is base game compatible and no expansions are needed.
If using a MAC and getting the needing expansion packs error; Google “Sims 2 custom content Mac error needing expansions' and many pages will show up with helpful downloads and hints. This worked for one downloader having this issue. I won't link to anything on here as I’m unsure of what is allowed.
If having problems with downloads and using PC try downloading CEP and/or the Clean installer, both linked in a comment on my comments section of this download.
Make sure to read the install instruction tab too.
This is my first upload so I hope I've done everything right I am always downloading stuff from MTS so I thought it was about time I post something myself, I’ve wanted a Miranda Lawson sim in my game for ages because I love the Mass Effect games and in Mass Effect 2 Miranda was one of my favorite characters. However after alot of searching trying to find a Miranda sim already online and failing, I decided to make my own version of her. So here she is, Miss Miranda Lawson of Mass Effect 2 fame. Born in the year 2150, Miranda Lawson is a genetically engineered human designed to be a specimen of human perfection. She is also a valued operative with the Cerberus organization.
She comes packaged with her hair, brows, skin tone, make up and meshes, thanks to the generous share policies of the creators listed. I did have a darker re colour of Helaene’s bold brows but I couldn’t manage to get a hold of her to ask if I could include them so I have just included the original brows which are only slightly lighter than my recolor anyway. I made the hairline using my own textures and editing a Maxis costume make up mask, to go with the hair recolor by icedmango I have used. The hair line is available for female Sims of all ages. The outfit was made by me using a combination of Paint and Photoshop and is available for Adult females under every day, athletic and if you have Seasons, outdoor wear. All the clothing textures were made by me using a free online file converter and Photoshop. The gun in the pictures is not included but can be found here
Please do not claim my work as your own. Please do not upload my creations to any paid sites and please give me credit with a clickable working link to my Miranda here on MTS if you wish to use any of my work elsewhere or wish to recolor anything of mine. And please let me know if you do use anything of mine, I like to know where my stuff ends up. Please see the other individual creators polices for all the other items I have included with my upload of Miranda before re using them for anything. If you download don't forget to hit the thanks button and/or comment
Custom Content by Me:
- sculpted sim
- hair line
- Miranda Lawson outfit
Custom Content Included:
- bold brows by Helaene
- behind these eyes - dark Blue by Bruno
- just shadow - very light by bruno
- new lashes by Helaene
- glossy lipgloss by Lianasims2
- nosemask by corvidophile2
- hollow of the cheek by AtomicSpaceKitty
- heavenly plum blush by helaene
- blush by SLU
- Skintone by corvidophile2
- LaPink hair recolor by IcedMango
- hair mesh by Helgasims
- clothing mesh by Liana Sims2
Additional Credits:
Big thanks to everyone who gave me advice in both my posts in creator feedback on her, especially monca533 and Nymphy01, I could never have made her face sculpt so awesome without all your advice Also special thanks to Kfrone who advised me on design. And to Bioware for creating the epic Mass Effect games